Terminal command and Create aliases

⛳ Terminal Command

  • pwd: Print Working Directory
  • cd ~: Move to home directory
  • cd: Move to home directory
  • command + k: Clear
  • nano <file_name>: Edit with nano
  • rm -r <directory_name>: -r is recursive option

⛳ Create Aliases commands

  1. cd ~
  2. sudo nano .bash_profile
  3. alias ys=‘yarn start’ —> Save and Exit
  4. Restart terminal
  5. ys —> Happy💥

⛳ Show all aliases list

  1. cd
  2. alias

⛳ Refereces


🤔 Can’t open VS Code form Terminal !?

If you got this error: -bash: code: command not found

  1. Launch VS Code
  2. Cmd + Shift + P
  3. Type Shell —> Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command
  4. Restart terminal